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Blowin' Stuff up


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I think that the Power of Atom quest was one of the more intriguing things to do in the game. It's not very often that you get to shape the actual gameworld and blow a major city off the map. However, I was disappointed when I learned I couldn't do anything else like this. Sure, you can give the Tenpenny residents their own person zombie apocalypse, but in the end, there's still a giant and unchanged tower in the middle of the wasteland.


I would like the ability to either save or obliterate areas such as Tenpenny Tower, Maybe there could be more subway tunnels that go underneath the tower, and maybe there could be a large (non-nuclear) bomb/whatever located directly under the main supports. Somehow you set it off and get out of the metro tunnels. Instead of Tenpenny Tower, you come across a smoldering field of rubble, debris, and soot.


Perhaps a decent modder could cut up the Tenpenny Tower model, and have parts of it sticking out of the ground, sort of like the leaning tower of pisa, or the Statue of Liberty from planet of the apes. In other words, halfway burried and tilted to the side. Besides producing the new landscape and dusty weather data, a new LOD would be needed. Otherwise, we'd still see the tower from a distance, and then it would magically disappear and a pile of rubble would take its place!


I guess Tenpenny would just be an example, albeit a very suitable one. I'd like to see any similar destruction quests pertaining to other places like GNR, Evergreen Mills, and Arefu (planting a bomb at the base of the overpass!)


If possible, I'd much appreciate someone taking up this idea.


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