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Project Nevada - Adding Power Armor


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So I'm playing NV with PN and really love the whole Vision Modes for Power Armor. only problem is, I play with user-added PA as well as stock, and I'd like the user-added stuff (IE - Colossus armors) to be added to PN's list of stuff.


There's two distinct things I'd like to be able to do:


1) Add the custom helmets to the lists in PN that denote which items grant vision modes. That way, I can throw on, say, the XV Enclave Helmet and can use Night Vision.


2) I'd like to be able to add the custom armors themselves (not the helmets) to PN's list of armors usable for energy for the helmets' vision modes, so that I wouldn't have to use Energy Cells.


From what I can see, PNxCVisonModeMainScript and PNxCUtilPlayerScript are the keys here. PNxCUtilPlayerScript tells Project Nevada what the player is wearing in which body slot, and PNxCVisonModeMainScript check that against PNxCVisionModeNightList, PNxCVisionModeEMList, and PNxCVisionModeHeatList. If the item isn't on the lists, when you press the hotkey, nothing will happen (set reset to 1). However, I've tried adding the XV Enclave Helmet to Project Nevada's PNxCVisionModeNightList, but that didn't enable Night Vision for it.


Can anyone help me out here? What am I missing?

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Well, after drag-and-dropping the helmet to the list, I save the whole thing as a plugin (esp), and that's loaded second-to-last in my load order (last being my merge patch). I know that FalloutNV is finicky about pulling from plugins instead of masters, so I also tried setting the file header for the power armor's plugins as an ESM in FNVEdit. Nothing doing.


How would scripting the helmet into the list help? The existing scripts already pull from an also-existing set list to see which items trigger the ability to toggle the vision modes.

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There are a few strange bugs related to form lists that may or may not cause this. It is also possible those lists are cleared and/or rebuilt by another script in PNV and/or one of its plugins.


Try using the following script, attached to a Start Game Enabled-quest:

scn	AddHeadgearToPNVListsScript

short	bAdd

begin GameMode

	if GetGameLoaded
		set bAdd to 1
	elseif bAdd
		set bAdd to 0
		if ListGetFormIndex PNxCVisionModeNightList [Helmet's Editor ID] < 0
			ListAddForm PNxCVisionModeNightList [Helmet's Editor ID]


Each time the game is loaded, it will wait 5 seconds (to make sure all the other relevant scripts are done initializing), then add the item to the list.

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Copied and pasted directly, editing only the Helmet's ID, and the thing won't save.


EDIT: http://www.cipscis.com/fallout/utilities/validator.aspx is saying that ListAddForm has a return value that is not being used. Is that important?


EDIT v2.0: Insert facepalm here. Didn't run GECK with nvse via CMD. D'oh!


EDIT finale: Well, script saved just fine, but it didn't work. New helmet didn't have the vision mode. Any other ideas?

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That return type is inconsequential, you can ignore that error. It's only for use if you want to know where you added something if you were say, keeping track of how long a list of items was that you were dynamically adding items to. Anyway, not the point here.


Did you set the type of the script to quest, and attach it to a Start Game Enabled quest? Project Nevada provides a Modder's Guide that covers how to mod pretty much everything in it.

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I did, and I'll check out the guide, thanks.


EDIT: Okay, now I'm getting confused. Neither way mentioned in the guide worked (editing FormIDs or using the script). I even copied and pasted the script itself right into GECK. Looks like I'm going to have to contact PN's mod author directly about this.

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Awesomesauce. luthienanarion, your tip-off about headband requirements (mentioned in that modders guide, I later saw -.-) got it working. Once I opened the XV armor in GECK, I saw that the helmet only took up the Head and Hat slots. Toggled on Headband, re-made the patch via FNVEdit, made a merge patch, loaded up everything and BOOM, everything works splendidly. Opened both of your profiles and gave kudos :) Sorry for not reading the Guide more fully!

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