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How Do I Get My Mods Working After a Re-Install?


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Hello. I apologize if this post is wasting anyone's time, but, I am a novice modder and I need some assistance. About three years ago, I went on a modding spree and downloaded a bunch of mods for Origins (Steam Version), did the replacement .exe folder and memory leak patch, and I have the mod manager. Everything was working, and I was happily playing my modded game. Well, about a year ago, I accidentally uninstalled all of my Steam games because I have a smooth brain. I re-installed from Steam, and I assumed I would be fine. Well, just today I decided to boot up the game for the first time in quite a while, and my mods aren't working.

How do I fix this? Do I simply need to download the alternate .exe and memory patch again, or is there more? What do I have to do to get all of my mods working again? They are all loaded into my mod manager as well. Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated, and please keep in mind that I have smooth brain, so, the more detailed you can be, the better.

Thank you in advance!

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Mods being loaded in mod manager doesn't mean they're installed. If a mod is installed, its information will be stored in AddIns.xml in \Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings. If there isn't anything listed in this file it means nothing is installed yet. So you simply need to reinstall the mods via mod manager, as long as the mod manager has the correct location of the mod's zip/dazip packages.


The 4GB patch is something else. It helps keeping the game from crashing or having weird glitches due to memory issues, especially if you have mods that push the game's performance cost. So if you have mods, you'll need it more, but it doesn't really have anything to do with mods per se.

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Mods being loaded in mod manager doesn't mean they're installed. If a mod is installed, its information will be stored in AddIns.xml in \Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings. If there isn't anything listed in this file it means nothing is installed yet. So you simply need to reinstall the mods via mod manager, as long as the mod manager has the correct location of the mod's zip/dazip packages.


The 4GB patch is something else. It helps keeping the game from crashing or having weird glitches due to memory issues, especially if you have mods that push the game's performance cost. So if you have mods, you'll need it more, but it doesn't really have anything to do with mods per se.

Thank you very much! I will get that done after work today. And I absolutely plan on downloading the memory patch. Will I also need to make a new override folder or will that be done when I install the mods?

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Override and DAzip (or AddIn) mods are separate entities.


If the override folder in the Documents/Dragon Age hierarchy is still intact, the new game install will recognize and use them. If you wiped your old override folder, then you would need to reinstall any manual override mods you want. If the empty override folder is not present (which is typical for new installs), I recommend running the game unmodded once, to automatically generate the folder in the correct location.

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