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Hi, guys so I have a huge love for Fallout and also a huge love for writing. One of my goals is to make it in the video game industry and I have tried my best to write bits for games where I can but its a pretty niche industry to get involved with. I have built somewhat of a portfolio but would love to build on that for the future and I'm sure others in here are probably thinking the same thing.

Now I want to create something completely new and would love to get in contact with some like-minded individuals. I would like to create a DLC-sized mod in an ode to one of the greatest horror directors of all time, I would like to build up a team consisting of all the necessary compartments (writers/art etc). I have fleshed out a pretty cool and interesting tale which would fit in the with Fallout universe but am open to ideas to change and would like to build quite a substantial bit of lore around the project.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in as this is incredibly early days for me. I have at this point mapped out the premises for the backstory of the main quest and started to work on the narrative of the quest. I think the best place to make this mod would be on 4 as I think the G.E.C.K is a great tool to use. If anyone has prior experience with it that would be awesome and if anyone could genuinely help me find anywhere some good templates for narrative and dialogue in regards to Bethesda games that would be awesome as they are really hard to find online.

As I said this is really early doors but I would really like to get this project going and would see it becoming more of a reality with more heads on board. If this interests you shoot me a message at [email protected].

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