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Generalized Fatigue Mod


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A new texturing of immersive Armors just came out ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/75891 ), and due to the enhanced realism, it gives a better sense of the weights of these armors.


Would it be possible to keep track of the carried weight times distance traveled (foot pounds) and a count of the times that health and stamina drops below say 50%, and a count of the times stamina drops to zero, and set a limit that when exceeded starts lowering stamina and walking and running speeds? To minimize script demands on the CPU, I suggest the foot-pounds are calculated/updated only upon entering and leaving a cell.


As an example, imagine a new character with 100 stamina. They pick up some items in Helgen and its cave (imperial armor, a robe and hood, weapons, potions, books, food etc.) having entered the castle with 3 pounds of gear and emerge from the cave with 250 pounds of gear (ooof!). The castle to cave exit is ~700ft long, so the foot pounds is ((3+250)/2)*700 = 88,550. The character is taken to less than 50% health by Alduin , fighting imperials, spiders, and a bear 4 times, and taken to less than 50% stamina 7 times and zero twice. Divide by 1,000 for analytical convenience. Perhaps this part of his first day causes a fatigue of 88.55 + (4 * 10) + (7 * 10) + (2 * 25) = ~250 (a heuristic measure of fatigue).


Let's then assume they run 1,200 feet to Riverwood, and running costs twice the fatigue as walking, picks up a few ingredients and a Thalmor robe along the way that add 10 pounds to the load, and fights 3 wolves that takes stamina below 50 once. This part of the day adds ((250+260)/2) * 2(running) * 1,200/1,000 + 1 * 10= ~622 fatigue.


Let's say the character's OStim Amorous Adventure with Gerdur, with 2 happy endings, costs another (2 * 100) = 200 fatigue.


This first day has so far cost the character ~1,072 fatigue. The question this proposal asks is "Does the character have sufficient fatigue remaining to run to Whiterun to inform Balgruuf of the dragon?" And I suggest the answer should be "No". When reaching 10 X Stamina, the character finds they can only walk, and when fatigue reaches 20 X Stamina, they fall back to the encumbered slow walk. For maximum immersion, I feel that each hour of rest/sleep would restore 1 times the character's stamina.


This mod would encourage traveling light, rest, and walking - all things that would enhance immersion, and over time, game enjoyment.

Edited by gaoptimize
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I kind of wish there was long term and short term fatigue also instead just one. I Like your basic idea but I also like the ebb and flow of quick fatigue recovery in combat

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