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Modified weapon model crashes game


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Today, I added a silencer and a laser from WMK to a pistol using Nifskope (copy branch, paste branch). But everytime i try to equip this weapon or to load it in geck, i get a CTD. Another model I made (a rifle model modified to be a backpack (copied into armor model, changed rifle position, deleted armor parts)) works. Whats wrong with this model?






Sorry for my poor english, i´m german.

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Maybe someone could just tell me how to copy e.g. a silencer form a working weapon model into another working weapon model without crashing the second one?


I took me a long time to figure out how to get new mesh in and theres only a few tuts out but what I would do is this


first find a vanilla mesh that looks prity much like yours



now you will need to make a mesh piece for each mesh piece of the gun mesh of the vanilla mesh


now open your nif and find the nifstripdata to your trigger and go block->copy


open the vanilla nif and find the nifstripdata to there trigger and goo Block->paste over


woot you now have your first nif mesh exported properly


now you have to do the same for each mesh part of the weapon


for the silencer I would jut combine it with your casing mesh as a soled object


here is the only tut I could find if you need more info http://www.fallout3nexus.com/articles/article.php?id=26

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Ya I had the same problem at first but mine was because of the version on my clip bored was to old


but as fare as I know there is 2 things that will cause this


1 your version is different

this should be able to fix when you export your mesh out in your export options change it to the correct version


2 the mesh is nifshapedata when it needs to nifstripData

this to can be changed in your export options


At least it can be changed in my Jerry rigged exporter for Maya you probably use max but that should have thees options to plus a tone more

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