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How do you make the same NPC with different races quickly?


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Hi, so in my mod I create bandits that are very racially diverse. Each type of bandit uses the a template that I create, but I need to make 6 tiers, both genders, and 3 different races, so about 36 different actors. I currently just edit one of them using the CK and change up the ID when I finish making these changes (as well as facial features, voices, ect.) But this takes WAY too long for me to do effectively, is there any way to duplicate each actor with racial and gender quicker than how I am doing it?

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Oh what a tiny number of new actor records. I just finished my Falmer Overhaul for SIC v7 with a total amount of about 630 new actors. :laugh:


You could use a Tes5Edit script that performs the needed changes for your variants. I personally set up keyboard macros to go fast through the different options, but I don't have to work on faces.

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