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Dragon taunt shout


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Hello all,

Riverwood just got attacked and half of the village got wiped out. So it got me thinking - how amazing would it be for Dovahkiin to have a shout that taunts a dragon (or any bad guys for that matter) to attack the player and only the player? It would give the player a real sense of being the hero, and would generally be awesome.

It doesnt even have to be a shout per se, it could just be a taunt or power, along the same lines as voice of the emperor for imperials.


To do it well and nicely it might require a few lines of very well done voice acting.


Or the sounds from other shouts could be used, for example it could be "Dov Grah Gron" - "Dragon Battle Bind"

Edited by Axeface
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I totally approve this. This could also be used to drag out enemies from their positions as well. Still, the idea of taunting a dragon to protect a village is stuff so damn heroic I cant think of anything more awesome.


There dont need to be any voice acting required IMHO. Skyrim already has animations and lines for taunts.

Edited by taro8
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Yes indeed, it would feel pretty epic.

I think the taunt approach is better than the shout, you could have Dovahkiin hit his shield and cry out maybe - like the npc's do sometimes. Or just scream, and then the dragons should reply with "Dovahkiin!!" and turn to face you - very cool. The sound could even be just "Dov" - dovahkiin literally shouting "Oi, Dragon!" Should work for a certain amount of time perhaps?


I lost Faendal today because the dragon kept ignoring me, so I need this mod :D

Edited by Axeface
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