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Latest version Crash to Desktop


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Just went through process of uninstalling skyrim se due to a problem with crash to desktop as soon as I exit Braidwood Inn(using alternate start mod). Now after reinstalling and installing skse(1.6.640) and many but not all my mods. I still have this exact same problem. Don't know if it has to do with the skse version of the latest skyrim se update. Any suggestions? All of the mods I have installed worked fine before the latest skyrim se update.

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can somone help me with a really weird ctd so basically i get a ctd on start up and the ONLY fix i found was to remove all mods except engine fixes power of threes mods and address library i used the downgrade patcher (so i could use SKSE mods that haven't been updated yet) i tried the normal diagnosis method and it didn't pinpoint any specific mod (and vortex doesn't show any missing masters and i haven't gone over 254 esps) it's only started recently

Edited by Ausarq23
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Just went through process of uninstalling skyrim se due to a problem with crash to desktop as soon as I exit Braidwood Inn(using alternate start mod). Now after reinstalling and installing skse(1.6.640) and many but not all my mods. I still have this exact same problem. Don't know if it has to do with the skse version of the latest skyrim se update. Any suggestions? All of the mods I have installed worked fine before the latest skyrim se update.

That 1.6.640 is the version of SSE you are playing. The SKSE version for that game is 2.2.2, you can download that at silverlock.org.


I believe that is the latest update version. You will have to make sure any mods you use are compatible with that version.

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