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Order of the Cloud Knights help...


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In the mod, Order of the Cloud Knights theres a script effect that adds an ability called "Ghostly Powers", I've since removed this mod, but the script effect is still there. Now, this effect, has prevented me from contracting any and all diseases, and I can't seem to remove it from my character. I get diseases, but their effects that should come with them don't show up. At first it didn't bother me, but now it's completely preventing me from becoming a Vampire, it even stopped the scripted version of it from working (Vicente Valtieri in the Dark Brotherhood, the quest Eternal Darkness which turns you into a vampire). It's been weeks since I did that quest and haven't changed, and I even removed every mod I had running (except the Oblivion ESM because my game wouldn't load without it) and the effect was still there. I don't know what to do.
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Can no one help me with this? If it'll help I can post everything the ESP file contains but even so I don't know why the effect stayed even after removing the mod.
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