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Hey, Nysonge again, this is a melee weapon.


If you don't know what a katar is, its practically a knife mounted on a handle that you can hold like brass knuckles.


Heres a visual image for help: http://www.columbia.edu/itc/mealac/pritchett/00routesdata/1700_1799/localrulers/weapons/katar.jpg


What I`m saying is that can you make a melee/unarmed weapon, with the model of a katar. I don't care if it looks like your dual wielding, I`m over with that, or if it looks like the picture above but Katars are my favorite weapons of all time, so please?

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+1 I even mentioned them recently in one of my posts:



They would have to be dual wielded though, because you'd need to use the Brass knuckles animations for them (and brass knuckles involve both fists).


Here is an image of Katars being wielded.






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You got... Yu-Gi-Crap... in my fallout...


Well anyway, yeah, its held like that. I've thought of it, and if there is going to be only one katar (easier to mod, I think), its going to have to be deathclaw gauntlet, but if you want a challange, theres the spiked/brass knuckles, with 2 katars.


Well anyway, the katars should count as a unarmed thing, since you have to stab/bash like your holding a mug. And the melee weapons don't have an animation for that.


So... Is this possible?

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looking at the weapon, I think the regular fist animation will do nicely, and I would imagine making two wouldn't be much harder then one. Not that I'm a modeler or anything, so I could be wrong. Anyway, I do think they would be a nice weapon (although I don't see why a wastelander hasn't made something similar by attaching spikes to a power fist).
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