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Newbie very confused about so many mods!


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Hi all,


Sorry for the long post, but I appreciate your help! :smile:


I started to play Oblivion about a year ago, but didn't get into it too heavily.. too many things about it that sort of turned me off of it. I would like to reinstall and try again with some mods to make it more enjoyable for myself.



Wow! There are a lot of mods out there! And when I go to read through them all, I can rarely understand what they do because they use lots of terms and references to the game that I just don't know about. Maybe you guys can help suggest some things to me based on what it is I'm trying to achieve. Here's a basic rundown...



1) So probably the most confusing one for me is this level scaling thing. When I first played, I didn't play enough to notice this a whole lot because I wasn't that far into the game.. but reading about it marks me shiver. I want to see a huge difference between my level 1 guy, and then be able to make him so godly he can destroy everything... I don't want to see everything just change with me.. that is pointless. There seem to be about a billion mods that change this so that you have strong monsters and weak ones... but the descriptions are so confusing I can't seem to piece them together! Help!



2) I noticed there's patches. And official patches. And unofficial patches. And unofficial Shivering Isles patches. And unofficial mod patches.. and.. blub blub blub.. my gosh.. So I have the original game, and I also have the Shivering Isles expansion. What do I need?



3) Leveling up, I heard, is a nightmare, because there's micromanagement of skill points and.. ugh I can't even keep track of it. I really enjoyed Fallout 3 because the level up system was pretty simple. I'd like to just have a simple Fallout or Diablo style level-up and not have to worry about these multipliers or WHATEVER they are...



4) When I started this game, I was told "wow you can do anything!" Well one thing I could not do was steal stuff in a very fun way. I thought it would be fun to steal from people's houses and sell stuff for profit, but that was a major hassle because guards would magically know if I have something hidden in my pocket from 100 yards away. What the crap? I'd like to be able to steal stuff, and as long as no one is watching, it is MINE.



5) If I shoot someone in the face 8 times with an arrow, their ass should be down. I mean come on...



6) I'd like to be able to carry more, and be able to use the UI a bit better. I'm hearing there are options here...



7) And lastly, I have a Q6600 quad-core with an 8800GT video card. Can I support any of the mods that make the game look even more awesome? I'd be interested in environment, texture, nature, and NPC body/face upgrades.




Can someone please help a newbie break down the barriers of the vast selection with extremely complicated descriptions so that I can enjoy this game? I really appreciate the help! Thank you!!!

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MMM is a good mod it adds variety of monsters and they don't all look the same. few different textures for every monster.

But if its your first time you really play it you shouldn't use it ^^

As a start i would suggest you to start with simple mods like a house mod or new armors.

Deadly reflexes is also a good mod it enables you to use more attacks. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8273


You said something about UI so here is one: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10763

I dislike it but maybe you like it ^^


New armor http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8043


This one could be good as a start no meshes/textures http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17062 It's mine ^^


A little mod list i did. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...p;#entry1008591




2. find the offical patch 1240 or something. I do not use the unofficial and it works fine for me


3. If you want it easy you shouldn't level up but you should train you skills.


4- Well theres mod that fixes that. But you got probably seen when you sneaked into the house or took the items if someone sees you the guards will be alerted.


5.Thers mod that fixes that to i think but I'm not sure. Common it would be boring if it would be so easy to shoot 1 arrow in the head then they drop dead.


6. Play as an warrior take strength as one of your main thingys. Play like an orc blunt user or something


7.I don't think you can run all in once but you can use some.




If you got any questions/ want more help just pm me

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Hi all,


Sorry for the long post, but I appreciate your help! :smile:


I started to play Oblivion about a year ago, but didn't get into it too heavily.. too many things about it that sort of turned me off of it. I would like to reinstall and try again with some mods to make it more enjoyable for myself.



Wow! There are a lot of mods out there! And when I go to read through them all, I can rarely understand what they do because they use lots of terms and references to the game that I just don't know about. Maybe you guys can help suggest some things to me based on what it is I'm trying to achieve. Here's a basic rundown...



1) So probably the most confusing one for me is this level scaling thing. When I first played, I didn't play enough to notice this a whole lot because I wasn't that far into the game.. but reading about it marks me shiver. I want to see a huge difference between my level 1 guy, and then be able to make him so godly he can destroy everything... I don't want to see everything just change with me.. that is pointless. There seem to be about a billion mods that change this so that you have strong monsters and weak ones... but the descriptions are so confusing I can't seem to piece them together! Help!



2) I noticed there's patches. And official patches. And unofficial patches. And unofficial Shivering Isles patches. And unofficial mod patches.. and.. blub blub blub.. my gosh.. So I have the original game, and I also have the Shivering Isles expansion. What do I need?



3) Leveling up, I heard, is a nightmare, because there's micromanagement of skill points and.. ugh I can't even keep track of it. I really enjoyed Fallout 3 because the level up system was pretty simple. I'd like to just have a simple Fallout or Diablo style level-up and not have to worry about these multipliers or WHATEVER they are...



4) When I started this game, I was told "wow you can do anything!" Well one thing I could not do was steal stuff in a very fun way. I thought it would be fun to steal from people's houses and sell stuff for profit, but that was a major hassle because guards would magically know if I have something hidden in my pocket from 100 yards away. What the crap? I'd like to be able to steal stuff, and as long as no one is watching, it is MINE.



5) If I shoot someone in the face 8 times with an arrow, their ass should be down. I mean come on...



6) I'd like to be able to carry more, and be able to use the UI a bit better. I'm hearing there are options here...



7) And lastly, I have a Q6600 quad-core with an 8800GT video card. Can I support any of the mods that make the game look even more awesome? I'd be interested in environment, texture, nature, and NPC body/face upgrades.




Can someone please help a newbie break down the barriers of the vast selection with extremely complicated descriptions so that I can enjoy this game? I really appreciate the help! Thank you!!!



1) Post the terms you don't understand and I'm sure we can clear them up



2) As long as your game is patched with the official patches you should be fine. Many people run the Unofficial patches but they are not required. As long as you install the Unofficial patches before any mods you should be able to avoid any conflicts as mods that need to will just overwrite the required areas instead of the patches overwriting them. Mostly just need to do it in the correct order.


3) I suggest Attributes modifier +5 it basically gives you the full set of points for any skill increase. Makes things easier.


4) Try No Psychic guards and perhaps Thivery in the IC


5) Might I recommend Adonnay Elven Weaponry and both Apachii's Goddess Store and Heroes Store for bows and arrows?


6)Well for carrying there's lots of mods like Encumbrance 10x. For the UI issues I recommend Darnified UI although there are some others primarily DarkUI'd Darn and various color changes.


7) You should do quite well with that setup.

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Thanks for the pointers... to address #1, there are simply so many terms that fly by me, I can't list them all...

Here is a link I was trying to read through for example. It is trying to compare a few of the mods that change how the level scaling stuff works:


Any time it mentions specific NPCs or locations, I really don't know what it's talking about. After reading through it, I'm still not even sure which one of those particular mods would really be best for me.

Plus, I'm not sure what will and won't work with Shivering Isles.. I saw a few postings that seemed to indicate that the "OOO" (Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul) mod would not work.


Is there like a live chat or IRC room or something somewhere, where I can talk to some folks about this?

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Thanks for the pointers... to address #1, there are simply so many terms that fly by me, I can't list them all...

Here is a link I was trying to read through for example. It is trying to compare a few of the mods that change how the level scaling stuff works:


Any time it mentions specific NPCs or locations, I really don't know what it's talking about. After reading through it, I'm still not even sure which one of those particular mods would really be best for me.

Plus, I'm not sure what will and won't work with Shivering Isles.. I saw a few postings that seemed to indicate that the "OOO" (Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul) mod would not work.


Is there like a live chat or IRC room or something somewhere, where I can talk to some folks about this?


I would recommend you avoid OOO, Frans or MMM for a first time play thru. All of them heavily change the game and to some degree make it harder. Play thru the game first and get a feel for things then give them a try.

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I've seen this recommendation and I'll take it into consideration.. however, the first time I tried to play through, I lost interest, probably because it felt like I was playing at the same level the whole time. I don't need something that changes drastic things about the game, but I would like to revamp the level scaling issues.
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1.: Level Scaling. This is one of the more annoying aspects of the Game. Sure, its nice to be able to go everywhere in the World and it does add a little Realism. In some Games of this Kind you have Cities in the Later game which have Citizens who probably never ever leave the City because the Monsters out there can take them out in one hit.


But it leads to the Scenario where your Character grows stronger but the Monsters are getting stronger as fast as the Character does so the Character doesn't get stronger...

In Relation to the Monsters he fights.


There are somethings you can do about that:


- Don't level up.

Well, that's easy. The Monsters will stay weak, but the Skill Level of whatever you're using will rise and you will be able to hit harder and/or buy better Spells.

When you do the Fighters Guild Questline, the Armor you'll get there will be pretty much the strongest in your Gameworld. There are some Quests which require you to take a Nap, but you'll be level 2 or 3, so the Monster will still be dead after one hit with the better Destruction Spells.

If you are finally tired of fighting the weakest enemies the Game has to offer, you can go to sleep and level up. There is a levelsystem here which is somewhat complicated.

Skip the next Paragraph if you don't want to be bored.



Skills are governed by abilities. If you'll get 10 Skill increases of Skills governed by the same Ability before the Level up bar on the Statusscreen is full, you will get the "+5" Bonus for that Ability when you level up. You can not do this with Major Skills only, because ten Skill increases in major Skills will fill up the level Bar.

If you have one major Skill that is governed by Endurance and a minor Skill that's governed by Endurance, like maybe "Block" as a major Skill and "Athletics" as a minor, you can get five Skill increases in "Block", which will fill up your Levelbar halfway and 5 Increases in Athletics, which wont fill up your Level bar at all.

When you have that half Levelbar, you may want to get five skill increases of a minor Skill governed by another Ability and then fill the bar up with five Skill increases of another major Skill which is governed by the same Ability. So when you level up, you'll get two "+5" bonuses on your Abis.



Ok, i'll try to be less boring now.

The above Part is actually not important for your Game. There are Mods that give you the +5 Bonus for every Ability no matter what you do and in anyway, its without consequence. Your HP will rise a little less with the Levels and when you can't level anymore you'll end up with maybe 400 instead of 450 HP. Will be varying with the Race and the Birthsign, Point being: You will be able to beat the Game.

I can remember two instances in my Oblivion "career" where it mattered that i had that much HP. And i play Oblivion a lot.




- Superweapons are another Possibility to get around the leveling System.


Once your Character is all grown up and as strong as he's going to get, the Monsters are quite annoying. Minotaur Lords, Ogres and the most annoying of all: Goblin Warriors. They'll be tougher then every daedra.

I think everybody who ever started up the Elderscrolls Construction Kit has made some Superweapons. It's easy, just punch in higher numbers where it says "Weapon damage".

And so did i. I made myself some superweapons after i had a hard time beating up such a Goblin, who was hitting harder with his iron Axe then i did with my daedric Sword, with 110 Strength.

I made myself a sword that will kill the strongest enemies that a level 24 with two to three Hits.

Recently, i learned how to script some Stuff. You can do interesting Things with that. Try out my funny Room with superweapon dispenser: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24206





2.: Patches. The Oblivion Game was Patched, there is one official Patch now.

The Shivering Isles Expansion was patches, there is one official Patch now, which will bring both Oblivion and Shivering Isles up to the latest Bethesda standard.


There are some mostly minor Bugs in the Oblivion Game and the Expansion, some of them where fixed by the Patches from Bethesda, some weren't. The unofficial Patch fixes some of that Stuff. Its mostly minor Stuff and if you have a non-english Version of Oblivion its not worth the trouble downloading, it will screw up your Dialogues.




3.: Leveling up. Oh, already covered that. Ah well...



4.: the Guards are psychic. Go play the mages guild questline, get access to the Arcane university and enchant some Stuff with "chameleon". You can enchant Stuff only with magical effects that your Character knows, like when he buys a Spell. for "Chameleon", you'll have to buy a spell that makes some "Chameleon".

Enchant some of your Armor with that until you have 100%. You are now completely invisible.

"Chameleon" will partially make you invisible. When hiding in a shadow, People wont notice you that easily. The more Light falls on you, the more likely you'll be detected.

With 100% Chameleon, even the broadest Daylight provides enough Shadow to hide you.


Scripted NPCs and Creatures may still get to you, but it won't do them any good. punch a guard in the face while having 100% chameleon. He will run up to you and yell "Stop! You violated the Law! Its off to Prison for you, where you will be gangraped by rapid Ogres!" or something like that, but if you'll resist arrest he'll stand right in front of you, unable to see you.



Or, you can download http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11911 =)

No psychic Guards =)



5.: Superweapons for the Win. Is three times good enough? :D


6.: in the Arcane university you can make your own spells. make a featherspell, name it "feather1". Make the same featherspell again, name it "Feather2" and so on. You can do a million featherspells and then stack them. But there are some mods which make that a bit easier...



7.: Natural Envirmonments: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2536

This is just an example, there are some more.

And about a million billion other eyecandy mods, like http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2536...




About your confusing with the lingo, just write it down in a .txt document and then make a threat asking what all this stuff means. But don't wait till that .txt is more then 1 megabyte =)

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if you new to this,stay away from deadly reflex,its a very hard mod to get to work properlu,Also MMM only adds more monsters and human combatants,its tough but a level one character can play it,it alters nothing else as far as game play
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