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Equip Machete Mod


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Hey Everyone,


I was just wondering if it was possible to equip your machete like a normal weapon?

I found out at the start of the game before you buy your 1911, you can scroll and your machete will come up, sadly you cannot attack and when you do buy the gun, it goes away.

I think it would be pretty cool if you could equip the machete and use it like a normal weapon instead of just the boring 'press button to melee' style.


Below is a picture on what im talking about.



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  • 1 month later...

With this mod, we can walk and run like a Rambo?Hah.
Cool idea, mate, i agree, we need machete equip like an normal weapon *-*

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how has no one replied/figured this out? I'd be interested too!! I want to use the "holster mod" but every time I edit my .dll's the game breaks (its not me its the .dlls.... ugh I think I'm on v1.01 idk)


EDIT2// I was doing story mode, and I came across Vaas, after escaping him I had no guns but scroll wheel sure enough EQUIPPED MY TANTO in Jason's hands !!!!!!! Now I could click Left mouse to do takedowns, but there was no regular melee (F key or Mouse1) so once I alerted enemies, it was either Pickup a gun (so I could shoot/do regular melee) Or die. ... Could someone PLEASE figure out how to keep Melee weapon equipped in hand (without it taking up a weapon slot) and let it do regular melee animations while equipped? (Because it wouldn't let me melee, only takedown... crappy coding IMO, they force you to pickup/use a gun)




there's a lot you can mod in the patch.dat files though... just maybe...... I'm sure one of the command lines will let you equip it..... actually i'm gonna look it up now !!


EDIT1: Here are some lines that may have to do with equipping machete


One is that it is not in a Slot (like a weapon slot) Here's a line, it would need proper vectors to show right on screen in the BBox (bounding box) (This is the line for the 6p9 pistol)


--- TOO many model/filepath blah blah to list from 6p9 that explain to the game how to show pistol/parts of pistol but machete has none in its file (but doing so would probably make machete take up a weapon slot, so this wouldn't be the answer I think)


This is a line on all weapons in slots that are all set TRUE so it may enable the weapon for holding

<field name="bUseCurrentSkin" type="Boolean">False</field>

Here is the path for the model and such for the machete used in the machete.xml

          <field name="text_fileModel" type="String">graphics\__fc3_graphics\_common\weapons\machete\machete.xbg</field>
          <field name="fileModel" type="Hash64">ABC418A2542C1F4D</field>

if I knew what any of the code explaining what parts to display ingame meant I could make something of it, but the pistols file is much larger because it keeps relaying paths to SHOW the weapon onscreen and vectors but the machete's .xml doesn't have paths in those spots, just code lines to End the section listed. If you can make any sense of what I'm saying, and can understand the code better than I do, you could make it work =/


Someone with more sense please reply for this guy.

Edited by Edgarhighmen
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  • 3 years later...

how has no one replied/figured this out? I'd be interested too!! I want to use the "holster mod" but every time I edit my .dll's the game breaks (its not me its the .dlls.... ugh I think I'm on v1.01 idk)


EDIT2// I was doing story mode, and I came across Vaas, after escaping him I had no guns but scroll wheel sure enough EQUIPPED MY TANTO in Jason's hands !!!!!!! Now I could click Left mouse to do takedowns, but there was no regular melee (F key or Mouse1) so once I alerted enemies, it was either Pickup a gun (so I could shoot/do regular melee) Or die. ... Could someone PLEASE figure out how to keep Melee weapon equipped in hand (without it taking up a weapon slot) and let it do regular melee animations while equipped? (Because it wouldn't let me melee, only takedown... crappy coding IMO, they force you to pickup/use a gun)




there's a lot you can mod in the patch.dat files though... just maybe...... I'm sure one of the command lines will let you equip it..... actually i'm gonna look it up now !!


EDIT1: Here are some lines that may have to do with equipping machete


One is that it is not in a Slot (like a weapon slot) Here's a line, it would need proper vectors to show right on screen in the BBox (bounding box) (This is the line for the 6p9 pistol)


--- TOO many model/filepath blah blah to list from 6p9 that explain to the game how to show pistol/parts of pistol but machete has none in its file (but doing so would probably make machete take up a weapon slot, so this wouldn't be the answer I think)


This is a line on all weapons in slots that are all set TRUE so it may enable the weapon for holding

<field name="bUseCurrentSkin" type="Boolean">False</field>

Here is the path for the model and such for the machete used in the machete.xml

          <field name="text_fileModel" type="String">graphics\__fc3_graphics\_common\weapons\machete\machete.xbg</field>
          <field name="fileModel" type="Hash64">ABC418A2542C1F4D</field>

if I knew what any of the code explaining what parts to display ingame meant I could make something of it, but the pistols file is much larger because it keeps relaying paths to SHOW the weapon onscreen and vectors but the machete's .xml doesn't have paths in those spots, just code lines to End the section listed. If you can make any sense of what I'm saying, and can understand the code better than I do, you could make it work =/


Someone with more sense please reply for this guy.

hello so i am gonna check into the lines of code right now to see if i can figure out anything and i also found this

and i was also wondering where the code about underwater blurring is?
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