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Stardew Valley

Idea for a randomizer mod


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A gift randomizer for everyone in town. It gets too easy to just befriend everyone once you know what to gift people. And if you aren't good at memorizing stuff, just gift rabbit's foot. It shouldn't be that easy. So this is my idea:

  • On every save, all gift tastes are completely randomized
  • No universal loved/liked/disliked/hated gifts
  • Make it possible to gift once everyday on the week, not only twice
  • You can only gift 1 of the same item on the same week per person (so if i discover that Robin loves "trash", i cannot gift trash every single day. I could only do it once per week).

Doing something like this would make the town more interesting again, kinda like the first time you played Stardew and had to discover everything by your own unless you were one of those that went to wiki and ruined your own experience.

Edited by Ungriten
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