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FCOM, Skeletons and Goblins

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I've run into some problems with FCOM.

I did a clean install, followed the instructions step by step, used the BOSS load order tool, bashed patch, and so on.

Basicly, I did exactly what FCOM told me to do.


Everything is working fine, except for one thing:


Skeletons and Goblins.

Both of them have big exclamation marks as weapons half of the time.

I know that has something do with missing meshes/textures, but I can't figure out for the love of it what it could be.


Also happens with summoned skeletons, 1 out of 8 summonings, my skeleton is equipped with a exlamation mark.

The other seven summonings, it's holding an axe, dagger, sword, just like it's supposed to.

I can also tell it's the weapons, since it's only their right hand.


Any ideas about what meshes could be missing?

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Make sure you have all the meshes/textures for Realswords installed. I think that is the mod that gives the goblins and undead most of their nasty lookin' weapons mate. Sounds like you have the .esp already, as they obviously have the weapons equipped


Hope this helps

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