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How to run checks on smelter from recipe conditions?


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I stumbled on a small problem, maybe someone can help me here.


I have a custom smelter with two keywords: standard CraftingSmelter and custom CraftingSmelterDwemer. Now, I want player to be able to smelt Dwemer Metal in both standard and custom smelters, but with different effectiveness. So I have two versions of recipes: one with CraftingSmelter as furniture keyword, and another with CraftingSmelterDwemer.


Question is: how do I prevent the standard smelter recipe from appearing on the custom smelter? I do not want to remove CraftingSmelter keyword from it because I want all other standard recipes to be available there as well.


The way I see it, there are three possible solutions.


Either there's some trick to check keywords on the furniture player is working on. I'm not sure there is - I have experimented with Condition targets with no results. Still, this is the preferable solution.


Or I could put an additional CraftingSmelterMundane keyword on all normal smelters, and use this keyword to make my recipes available on them. Of course, if some other mod will add it's own smelter to the game, then my recipes will be unavailable on it.


Or I could put a script on my custom smelter to initialize a global flag when player activates it, and using that flag in my recipes. However I need to clear that flag once player leaves the crafting menu - is there a way to catch that moment in the script?

Edited by Eleyvie
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