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EzicSky - BANNED

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EzicSky banned

Abuse of the file upload feature
Attempting to extort and threaten the site owner via their mod pages/mod description

Pertaining mod pages

Simple Golden Dishes
Requiem - JS Emissive Eyes Patch
Default Face NPCs Fixes – Patches

Mod description (excerpt):
Mod will be unavailable for download until the nexus mods admins unban *name/username*, and return *mod title* mod for Marvel's Spider-Man. No his mods - no mine. I'm no gomophobic, but i'm against repressions against peoples, who make mods, which peoples can download, or not. If some tollerasts don't like OPTIONAL mods - it's not reason for ban users

The said mod pages are pending removal.
If the site owner's policy upsets you, just leave. No one has coerced you to stay with the site. As you have not found the "delete your account" button you are herewith shown the door out.

From the site owner’s article Flag mods and us (and you)


In regards to the replacement of Pride flags in this game, or any game, our policy is thus: we are for inclusivity, we are for diversity. If we think someone is uploading a mod on our site with the intent to deliberately be against inclusivity and/or diversity then we will take action against it.

As a private business, we have a right to choose what content we do and do not want to host on our platform. Respect this right the same way you want respect for your rights.

If this policy upsets you, if we've broken some moral code of conduct as a business that you can't accept, then please, delete your account (bottom option) and move on, as we will.

From the Forum and Commenting Guidelines

Content that can be construed as provocative, objectionable, discriminatory, or abusive toward any real-world individual or group, may be subject to moderation. This includes but is not limited to content involving politics, race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, or social class.

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