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Naveen2195 - BANNED

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Naveen2195 banned.




Reason for the ban


Piracy of Skyrim.



Where did you get Skyrim?


from local store

not steam


It is steam connected then?


No I think

I never bought anything via steam

I always buy CD

from stores


Are you in Russia?





Then I cannot help you I'm sorry


This country sucks when it comws to gaming


So I can't install install any mods without steam?


I'm sorry to hear that, but my help is conditional on the fact that you have a steam connected copy of Skyrim.


I honestly don't know

I've never had that issue


Did the disk you bought require you to activate via steam? Was Steam Mentioned at all during the install?


hmm no


I bought it for just 15$


Then you have been ripped off by your local store, or you are lying to me.

That is a pirated copy


Thats why it didn't have steam?




I strongly suggest that you pick up a copy of the skyrim legendary edition from steam, and demand your money back from that store.


Then I'll make you a deal, if you do that I will walk you through everything personally; though I will ask you to prove it.


has left the room


You played the victim, but a search of your username brings up a posting on a torrent site from yourself - which will be quoted below:


rzr-skrm 1 year


downloaading at 25 kbps!FTW


So you are a liar as well as a thief, and are no longer welcome here.

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