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The best partner mod out!


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I have tried out many partner mods and Have ultimately come to the conclussion that for me the best would have to be Ramy the enfant.


Unlike other partner mods out there is a true sense of life to Ramy She uses unique idle animations has a very complex battle script, Can be dismissed and called upon at will. Also when she is not by your side she will roam just about anywhere. I noticed this about many partner mods that with you dismiss a partner they seem to be like a pet and stay in the place you set them free. Ramy will at her own will travel to a tavern, spend time at the arcane university. randomly pass you by when you are in the middle of a town doing what ever you were doing. she comes with her own horse, and can be told either to be able to ride it or not when traveling. She is such a complex parnter she comes with her own configure book with admit options to either change or set options to your own liking. She is not set as essential so she can actually be defeated or killed, and if she is defeated of killed she can be ressureected or if you die she will ressurect you. She has a unique personality when in in dialog and will converse with other NPC near by like she was just part of the game to begin with.


I could go on about how wonderful this partner mod is and would wish for everyone to try it too.


Also if you know enough about TESconstruct you can copy the scripts and the info used in the Ramy pertner mod to apply to any race you wish to make a unique Partner unlike any that exist.


I personally have 10 parterns I use in my game that are using Ramys script. When doing this the only thing you might want to change is the apperance of her horse and the horse name. Change the name of the configure book and edit the quest name from Ramy to something else to not be confused with the original Ramy partner. I have gone the extra limit and completely renamed everything to be set the new unique partner that is using her script.


It would be interesting to see what other use as partners.

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My favorites are Valeria, Vincente (both from GG Valeria Revived, which I believe Ramy may have been originally made from) and Rhianna II.


Those are the only ones I'll actually travel with regularly, though I have several others installed to populate my various estates. I tried cloning Valeria once but it didn't work out very well. Don't know the construction set well enough to do more than simple changes.

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I tried cloning Valeria once but it didn't work out very well. Don't know the construction set well enough to do more than simple changes.


Valeria, Vincente are both great partners. And yes Ramy was originally made from the same scripting. This author rMnQw36FcH has set the bar for me ever since I have used Ramy When comparing with other partner mods. Sadly you dont see many partner mods released with this type of scripting. With Ramy partner the author went over the bar to make the NPC partner beyond unique, making the NPC companion to be a must have when randomly dungeon crawling or doing misc. Quests.


An easy way for anyone to clone a partner is to duplicate the ESP file and then rename it to something else. I wouldnt recommend to do this too many times with the same ESP file because it can get confusing if you have partner mods that have quest logs or unique items added to the game.


As for Montana's sexy Companion, I Myself found the novelty of this this companion to get very old quickly. I am not saying its not a good mod or anything, The scripting is very well done and The vioce acting is a great added resorce to use for my personal gaming modifications. But unless you just want a partner that you can have sex with from time to time, Montana sexy companion really doesn't equate as a good partner to me.

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As for Montana's sexy Companion, I Myself found the novelty of this this companion to get very old quickly. I am not saying its not a good mod or anything, The scripting is very well done and The vioce acting is a great added resorce to use for my personal gaming modifications. But unless you just want a partner that you can have sex with from time to time, Montana sexy companion really doesn't equate as a good partner to me.


What!!!!!!,she has the ability to be and is the all around companion.She's not just for sex and I for one am a little insulted considering all the times you were helped by me and montana.

Just because you tired of her sexually doesn;t lessen her ability as a good fighting companion. It nice you were able to use "her voice" for your own game,gee what other companion gave you that CW? her inventory system is above most others also.

I await eagerly your entry into the companion field so that we all can see your ability to create a top 100 mod. Thanks for allowing me to voice my opinion.

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i used quite a few but my favorates are


Compainon Sonia

Dremora Companion

1st Alchmeny Comapion Jullenne


i have used Viconia DeVir and she might be my personal favorate due to her Romance Quest she is worth a Try


Sword Devil

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As for Montana's sexy Companion, I Myself found the novelty of this this companion to get very old quickly. I am not saying its not a good mod or anything, The scripting is very well done and The vioce acting is a great added resorce to use for my personal gaming modifications. But unless you just want a partner that you can have sex with from time to time, Montana sexy companion really doesn't equate as a good partner to me.


What!!!!!!,she has the ability to be and is the all around companion.She's not just for sex and I for one am a little insulted considering all the times you were helped by me and montana.

Just because you tired of her sexually doesn;t lessen her ability as a good fighting companion. It nice you were able to use "her voice" for your own game,gee what other companion gave you that CW? her inventory system is above most others also.

I await eagerly your entry into the companion field so that we all can see your ability to create a top 100 mod. Thanks for allowing me to voice my opinion.



I never ment for my comment to be insulting and never claimed for Montanas sexy companion to be a bad mod. I was just simplely stating I have found personally Ramys script as a practical use of a partner better for "my" gaming. I don't really understand why you seem to think I was attacking you or montana for this statement. Sure I can understand one being a bit bias for supporting a friends work but I am not going to lie about What I personally have found myself to like more. For the record I am a bit saddened you would jump on me for simply voicing my opinion. Sure you have helped me before in the past and I was very greatful for your help, but to use help as an excuse for Loyalty is a bit childish.


I would a agree the inventory system set up for montanas companion is a great feature, but for all practical means its not something that is very importanat in normal game play for "me". Also Just because something is on the top 100 mods list means absolutely nothing to "me". People generally do not care if they are using a mod from the top 100 list or not. There are over 1000's mods just as good or even better than the ones listed on the top 100. Also the fact that you can vote for the same file once a month leaves the voting system very broken. If a person really wanted one of their files to make the top 100, they would only need to get all thier friends to keep voting for the same file every month, reguardless if its good or not. but as I said before such things not really matter to me.

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