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Modified Elven armor, became invisible, couldn't find a solution, I'm at a loss.


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I looked for a solution and tried what I saw elsewhere and couldn't fix my problem.


I'm modifying the Elven armor to get rid of the big Eagle-face neck armor because the textures have the breastplate under that thing, so I removed the neck armor and added geometry to fill in the gap.


First thing I did was separate all the individual segments of geometry so I could get a better view of the chest piece. I separated the pauldrons, belt, legs, etc into their own shapes in Outfit Studio. Then I modified the chest piece. I have tried two methods of exporting, one with the shapes still separated into their sub-pieces in the nif file, and one where I combine them all back to one nif shape. Both methods result in my character having invisible armor.


I read that there's a problem with body slots when it does this, so I used the original armor as a reference and copied both bone weights and copied partitions, and still my armor is invisible.


Here are some screenshots of my Outfit Studio project with the old and new armor.





At this point I'm willing to share the file to someone that could fix it but I really need to know how to fix it myself because I'll be modifying more armor.

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