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Adding Vault to Wasteland


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Ok ok.......having some trouble adding my vault to the wasteland......i tried following the fallout 3 geck website as best i could....but it doesnt tell you how to add your vault to the game.....if it does i didnt see it.......So............anybody wanna give a helpful hint as to how you go about adding your vault to the wasteland?? Please...............!!!! Thanks!!
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If that doesn't help. you basically need to play with your exit door. double click on the door and click on the teleport tab. then you can link the door to another existing door anywhere in the game. you probally already have an exit made in the wasteland you'd like to connect it to. if not,make one now,then in the teleport tab scroll down the cell tab and from there you can link the door to your desired wasteland door. after you have done that make sure you move the teleport markers to a clear space. when made they are created inside the doors,meaning if you zone you will actually appear inside the door and stuck.

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I'm sorry.....let me be more clear....i might have not been the first time.....how do i get my vault to where i can add it to the game, and let others download it......??? The geck website says nothing about how to share your vault or make sure it pops up in the data files upon the start of the game....it is very unclear......i have a very fun vault awaiting but no idea how to put it in the game.......any help????
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