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Bijin & CBBE Physics


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Hi -

I want to use Bijin NPCs, Warmaidens and Wives however, when I install them my CBBE physics stop working. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


EDIT: Got it working. Never mind.


To apply physics, had to use bodlyslide for each Bijin body type.

Edited by CyberInfluencer
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Pro tip. When you figure it out yourself, post your solution, so the next poor schlock who eagerly finds your post and expects some answer, isn't left with the ubiquitous and obtuse "never mind, I figured it out"


(fyi, I am not that poor schlock...just sayin, but I've been that poor schlock in the past, as many of us have been, and there's nothing worse than finding post after post that offers little more than promise)

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