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Frostfall 2.5 new Meter features and stuff not working


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Aha, I have discovered the issue. It makes almost too much sense.


According to AndrealphusVIII here, the issue is caused by "qotsafans ReProccer patches" which override the new frostfall esp.


Trying it after uninstalling the ReProccer patches shows that the Frostfall meters work. :)


Leaving this here for anyone who runs into this issue in the future.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

I was having this problem too. The solution that worked for me was:
Make sure to keep at least one save before doing any of this.
Unequip all Frostfall items. Maybe put them in a barrel. ESPECIALLY if you're wearing a backpack. The carry-weight bonus will not be removed if you're wearing it when you deactivate the mod. Maybe you want that to happen. You sick, immersion-breaking freak.
Disable Frostfall in-game through MCM.
Save your game (I just autosaved by entering a tavern.)
Exit, disable Frostfall and its related patches/mods.
Open game and save again. This may not be necessary but I did it anyway. This will remove all of your Frostfall equipment/progress, but at least the meters will work properly.
Exit, enable the Frostfall mods that you just disabled.
Load your game, enable Frostfall by looking at the sky or MCM.
Hopefully your meters are working now.

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  • 5 years later...

Frostfall has never worked right for me. I do fine for about 10-15 levels. Then bizarrely, Frostfall meter goes crazy. It moves constantly, and sometimes the cold doesn't progress. It just gets stuck at warm, or partially cold. I would love to know why and how to fix it. I end up restarting the game. So far I've played Skyrim about 42 times, and only get to level 15.

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