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No penalty for stealing / no red items mod?


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Is there a mod out there that removes the 'red' from items? Essentially letting the player pick up/take anything desired? Or maybe something that doesn't go quite to this full of an extent, but like makes the items legit after a day and erases bounty, or anything like that?


I'd like to be able to basically:

A) Steal but with maybe a bit of a challenge

B) After 'getting away', use or sell the stuff just fine.

C) Not have to be a thief, in the thieves guild, visit fences, or use any special spells



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Can't really be done due to how ownership is being handled by the game. You can adjust the settings related to crimes so that no bounty is earned, and so that guards don't try to arrest you, but you will still have NPCs who take back stolen goods or attack you if you're trespassing for too long. What you do steal will however still get flagged as stolen, and crimes you do will still be counted, there is just less penalty for it.


As for the merchants buying stolen goods, I believe there was some mod already out that does this.


That's about as close as you could get without having to do a good deal of complicated scripting to manage item ownerships (OBSE).

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I'm thinking arrays, I hear that the new OBSE version will have them implemented, no need to use pluggy any more.


Like this: player picks up item, check ownership, if not players check cost, put ID and time left into array depending on cost.


Cycle trough array, subtract from time left every hour, if timeleft<1 change ownership to player, remove from array.


Then again, ob isn't really c and I don't have the foogiest notion if it's scriptable the way I'm imagining it.

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I'm thinking arrays, I hear that the new OBSE version will have them implemented, no need to use pluggy any more.


Like this: player picks up item, check ownership, if not players check cost, put ID and time left into array depending on cost.


Cycle trough array, subtract from time left every hour, if timeleft<1 change ownership to player, remove from array.


Then again, ob isn't really c and I don't have the foogiest notion if it's scriptable the way I'm imagining it.

Yeah, said without complicated scripting. Let's be honest, most people aren't going to go through THAT much effort to do this for the few items that are even worth stealing. It would probably have more application for something along the lines of removing ownership from the player on items placed in containers or dropped in world, and even then there are already ways to handle that.

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