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My simple OnTriggerEnter script not working


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My script is attached to a cubic activator. It's supposed to be triggered when the player enters the bound box but for whatever reason it doesn't seem to work. Which is to say that it successfully compiles but in-game doesn't seem to register. Here's the code:


begin ontriggerenter player

if (aCQ1Var.de5 == 0)
	set aCQ1Var.de5 to 1


As I've said the code compiles but it fails to react to the player in-game when I'm inside the cubic activator. Just to give a little context the variable "de5" is attached to a quest called "aCQ1Var". This variable is initiatlized at 0. That should be all the relevent info. But here's some random other information that may or may not be the problem:


- My cubic activator is set as a persistent reference.

- My cubic activator has a reference name.


I think that's all the info I've got but if anyone wants more background surrounding my scripts I'll be more than happy to provide the contexts if that helps in anyway.

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