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Ragdoll effect in GECK.


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I've been modding for a good while now. Only recently have i bothered with NPCs that are dead by default. i was just wondering how i can get them to ragdoll in the GECK. so this way when i load the game my dead bodies are not standing.
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Uncle Roe - Hello!


As the others have mentioned, select the item in the render window & click on the "Run Havok Sim" icon at the top of GECK (it's the bouncing red ball).


The item selected will act as though gravity has been applied. Also a good way to see flame effects & mist at work. It's also handy for spilling plates etc. in realistic patterns.


Positioning skeletons & bodys in precise poses is very tricky to master.


Pressing F4 will display the grabbable joint sections to allow you to position them more finely.


With the havok sim still on, press & hold Ctrl Alt (left ones) & drag the part you want to fine tune on the skeleton/body around.


Once done, remember to turn off "Run Havok Sim".


It can be easier to leave havok sim off, place the stiff body roughly where you want (like a chair) & then turn on havok sim & let it dorp in place. If your're lucky it will mold to form.


It takes some practice. :)


Hope this helps!



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