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This may be silly but one animal that i love since i was a kid is the T-rex :)

i don't know much about modding and im not sure if its even possible but is there a chance of implementing a T-rex in game with working animations(perhaps with adjusted dragon animations)?



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Although there is no T-Rex unfortunately, this mod adds 3 dinosaur species if you are interested?



Also, there is a Triceratops in Skyrim Monster Mod, but I don't have a link to that on hand, sorry.


Hope this helps!


EDIT: After a quick search, I discovered that Skyrim Monster Mod was banned from the Nexus...

Edited by MostlyMuggie
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I just remembered, there are raptors in mods like Moonpath to Elsweyr and Tropical Skyrim. I am not sure if there is a standalone version, but the raptors are pretty high quality.




I would also love to see a T-Rex. Monster mod had some Guar - or something like that. I think they were from Fallout. Maybe someone could re-tex a werewolf and make it bigger??

Guar is an enemy from Morrowind, so I don't think it was from Fallout 3 or NV.

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