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GOG Anniversary Edition?


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I just installed the GOG version of SSE Anniversary Edition. I am still using NMM and had no problem installing and loading mods and installing SKSE and launching with it. My problem is that LOOT and SSEEdit are unable to locate my Skyrim.INI file.


I do not know how to change the path in those two tools. Any advice would be appreciated.


I got SSEEdit to work by renaming Skyrim Special Edition GOG to just Skyrim Special Edition. I still cannot find a way to get LOOT to find the path to Skyrim.INI.


So I uninstalled and reinstalled LOOT and when I put in the path to my game this time there was a save function and now I have everything working. It wasn't the INI that LOOT was looking for but the path to where the game was installed.


I really should just do the work myself instead of being lazy and automatically go to a forum for an answer.

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