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Ok I won't be able to paint a full picture of this sadly, but I'll try.

The idea is simple, in the idea that you go into a dying state where you must get out of sight and patch up the holes in your cybernetics.



  • On death, instead of instantly dying, you enter a disabled disabled state where you need to run.
  • Conditions to be met:
    • Choom must get out of line of fire
    • Choom applies medical supply (Medkit?) safe from gunfire for several seconds
    • Choom will then get a small movement buff, while still unable to use guns for about 15-30 seconds, then return to normal state
  • Debuff options:
    • On Death:
      - Disabled Weapons (e.g. Holstered)
      - Disabled Cybernetics (e.g. slow time & booster legs)
      - Short sprint boost (3 seconds), and slide boost, then a walk state
    • On Recovery:
      - Disabled weapons
      - Enabled Quickhack
      - Enabled Sprint
  • Minor buff options:
    • On Death:
      - Slow time boost (3 seconds)
    • On Recovery:
      - Temporary spotting, or pulse spotting (e.g. similar to R6 heart monitor)



Yeah, no clue, I'll just do some guesses.

  1. Toggling/Changing Player states bring bugs
  2. Disappearing items or cybernetics possibly
  3. States or Changes could become permanent and softlock saves
  4. Could affect downed states in missions or against bosses
  5. Bug if autosave activates during downed state
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