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Hands not appearing?


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So, I decided to start modding Morrowind and made my very first race! I used wood elf files for the body... problem is, though, despite having the first person hands file properly set up(Used the b_n_wood elf_hands. 1st, and the matching b_w_wood elf_skins), my character's hands are entirely invisible, the dagger you find in the beginning just floooooooating in the air. Since this is my first time modding(Already had to redo this once due to a bug that added "seffect" to everything), I have no idea what the heck's wrong, nor how to fix it.


Anyone know what would cause first person hands to not load, and how to fix it? I'd really appreciate it. Balanced the abilities as best I could, and this is the onl thing keeping me from having the mod done((Well, except files for vampirism and werewolfs and stuff. But I don't plan on using either on this character, so I figured it wasn't a problem). xP

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