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Megaman like abilities.


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What i would like in a mod is having megaman like bosses that is also (mostly) lorefriendly.

Story will come second. gameplay will come first.


In this mod I wanted a special building called Light's Laboratory.

which has pads that teleport you to temples that house each boss.

you must fight through the temple just like in megaman boss fortresses,

to get to the boss for a dificult fight.


Each boss has a spell unique to them like a flame or thunder spell that cannot be found elsewhere.

and each boss's power is strong against one boss and weak against another. like in Megaman!

after defeating the boss you get an item. this item is used to craft a spell,weapon, armor or staff that contains the power of the boss.

you can get then item multiple times so you can get all the stuff.

but only after defeating them all at least once.


Now for story.

An old man named Light has created powerful beings,each with an enchanted core that gives them

much power.

they went insane with their power and plotted to destroy the planet Nirn. and the rest of creation.

The old man hires the Dragonborn to destroy them and in return give him/her his creations powers.


Now onto the looks of the bosses.

frankly i don't care if you use a comepletly new model or a nord wizard for these.

just be consistant with it.


thank you for reading.




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