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Custom Land does not load.


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Alright, so i have probably in the area of 200 mods active.

THIS HAS NOT BEEN A PROBLEM, until i tried to load a mod where there is a custom land. For example- when i loaded SovVm, no problems getting it installed, as soon as i have the guy take me to Morrowind, the only thing that has loaded is the distant LOD(the land that isnt really there that you can move through) and the docks, this is the same thing with gate to Aeesgard, the only thing is the distant LOD- otherwise i fall to the water and just swim for eternity. I am lead to believe the solution may be simple and disappointed a mod has finally stumped me, as i am not one who makes mods but i do seem to enjoy other peoples brilliant work =).


So i have vista, graphics cranked to the max(which has never been a problem) and still pull 50+ fps- better cities didnt slow down my game but boy sovvm sure did. anyways i really want this information to mainly play gates to aeesgard, thanks for any suggestions!

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It is an issue with .esm based worldspaces. Please read their documentation.


Thanks alot. Like i said, told ya it would be a simple thing, lol. i just read up on esm.'s in general then, had deadly reflex right after oblivion.esm on accident =/. that was it- thanks again though.

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