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Whic mod to use


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Hi all i was wondering can some1 tell which mods to use for female body there are so many and i intalled some one over another and now all female npc are shore i cant chose which to install. I was thinking if some1 can tell me which to for full body change hair and body and which armor mods goes whit it. Tnx in advance

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First install Unp, then install and let "real girls" overwrite everything when asked, then install "No more ugly bronze shine" and let it overwrite everything.


These mods are quite lore-friendly, they don't make your character look like a barbie or a photoshoped person. Old npc's will still look old, young will still look young etc. The body-form is also quite realistic, no plastic surgery character :smile:


Oblivion hair package for LOTS of new hair-styles:



My secondary character using these mods ( neck tattoo is failed i know):


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