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How to make these two compatible?


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Hi all, hopefully this is the right forum for this.

I was wondering if there is a way to make "A Serious Wedding - Teldryn Sero" and "Marriage Mod - To Have And To Hold" compatible with each other? Whenever I use them together I get a miscellaneous quest pop up in my log saying "Speak to [...] during reception". It won't go away and it pops no matter which I have after the other in load order.


I don't know how to do anything like this or if it is even possible to make a patch for it. I took "A Serious Wedding - Teldryn Sero" because of this issue otherwise I would still be using it and his story quest mod. I put links to both at the bottom if someone would be so kind as to take a look and help me out by making a patch or sending me in the right direction for one it would be much appreciated.


A Serious Wedding - Teldryn Sero - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84324


Marriage Mod - To Have And To Hold - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50121

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Doesn't sound like the two mods are compatible honestly.

I didn't play those mods, but I have a very simple suggestion for you, which lets you experience both mods.

1) Save your game and copy the saved game to the desktop
2) Remove both wedding mods and install one only.
3) Play that mod's quest or questline and save to desktop aswell
4) Remove the mod you just played and install the other one
5) Get thefirst save from desktop and put it back into skyrim's savegame folder
6) Play the other mod, save

7) Once you decided which quest or which game state you prefer, choose one of the saves to continue from.


Surely you lose whatever items or progress you make in the other mod so I recommend only playing those quests and no other side quests inbetween.

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