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Form Editor ID Error...


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Okay, this is the first time I've tried making new objects in the G.E.C.K. since I got it all updated and working properly. I was able to create one new armor variant and upon attempting to change the object ID on a second armor to make a new object, I got a Form Editor ID Error that read, "Form's ID is not unique. Previous form is a type texture set." I didn't do anything different than I did the first time around with the mod that I can't seem to get the updated G.E.C.K. to open, and I was able to make well over a dozen new objects without a problem, nor was there any problem creating the first object in this mod. It seems to be functioning properly and I can edit it (give it new stats, textures, etc.), but I can not change the Object ID. Any ideas on why I can't create a new object? Any presented theory at all is greatly appreciated.




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Try prefixing your new object with your initials or something. NOT numbers. Like NNGMyNewArmor
The error you got because a texture set is already using the name to tried to use. Names need to be unique in the Geck - no two objects have the same name, regardless of the type of object.

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oh wow... it worked... I've been trying to start everything with "000", but for some reason, this updated G.E.C.K. doesn't like that...


Thanks a bunch,


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I never had a problem the with my first mod I started making with the un-updated version of the G.E.C.K... but yeah, I began starting my editor IDs for custom armors with AAA rather than 000 and it has worked fine so far... I still have containers that start with 000 though, and have continued making more with that same 000... for some reason, the G.E.C.K. only had issues with the armors, though I have only made custom containers and armor at this point...

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