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Looking for sniper mod!


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I've downloaded this mod a while ago, but I had to clean up my HDD and couldn't make a backup of the mods.

I know it uses echo's scope textures, and you can change between them in-game through a menu (using FOSE), and it had the C key binded to stop the wobbling for a few seconds. Does anyone know the name of the mod? I've searched it with all the keywords I could remember that could fit, but it didnt turn out with what I wanted :/

It also adds the option of chaging between several ammo types, and you have to clean the scope from time to time, otherwise it gets dusty and makes it hard to aim



Thanks in advance :thumbsup:

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I've never seen it, but did you rate it/comment it? if you did, you can see your previous comments and ratings in your profile, and possible navigate to the weapon mod you commented on (if you did)
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Well, I was pretty sure I commented it... But it seems to have vanished (the thread). Guess I won't be having the mod xD


Unless... The mod's creator checks this thread and gives any information on the whereabouts of it :D

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