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Magic Damage Setting?


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I've browsed through the Construction set settings a few times and can not find the setting for magical damage. I found the weapon damage one, I believe, as all physical attacks are scaling as I wish they would. However, Does anyone know the title of the Magical damage setting? Also, any mods that solely affect magic damage?


Thanks in advance! :thumbsup:

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The actual formula is on the wiki, bit it is basically;


magnitude - whatever percent of that magnitude is resisted (increased due to weakness) = damage


Although I believe there are minor components for spell effectiveness and wisdom on target.


There are no game settings that control magic damage, this is controlled in each individual spell. Spell resistances/weaknesses are controlled at each actor, and use no setting.


There are a few mods that change how spells work, mighty magicka being one of the older, less involved ones, Midas Magic being more varied and adding alot of additional stuff. Regardless, it still ends up being something that needs to be changed at every single spell.

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