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A Reflex Bow


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Of course new animations would need to be made, models, textures, and a lot of other stuff i wouldn't know about or can't talk about (because i don't know about it)


but just think about having a reflex bow or a compound bow at your side ready to make your will.

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custom animations are usually (read: always) a problem, as much as I wan't a bow and arrow, I don't think its going to happen. That being said, I wonder if any existing animations could somehow be applied, maybe using the take out weapon animation to take out arrows from a quiver.
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Wouldn't a crossbow be a better idea, given that it could probably be based on either the railway gun or (likely much better) the dart gun, which already has a dart/bolt reloading animation?


Sure can. All you really need to do is add a bow mesh from oblivion to the dartgun.nif and translate it a bit. Of course, it won't bend like the front a real crossbow.

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