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Thought I'd show you guys what I've been working on. Three main quests and one mini are done, one more mini-quest to finish. I want to flesh out the npc population a bit and give more conversation dialogue to them. Then debug and try to get it FOMM and 1.5 compatible.


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Now I never played Fo2, so I don't know what shady sands what like in that game, but in the original, it felt like it was literally in the middle of nowhere. Your version actually looks kinda like junktown or something.


I don't know, I would have imagined a fo3 shady sands as literally being in the middle of a sparse and endless desert. There would be some giant white stone walls along the perimeter of the town (like scaled-up versions of the walls around Tenpenny's) and various shacks and tents inside.


With that said, you have done an excellent job, and bonus points for actually putting voices to your dialogue. That's about as rare as plutonium when it comes to fo3 mods.

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This looks really good, the voices actually sound quite professional. looking forward to it!


Hahaha, duh, the voices ARE professional, they were ripped from the original Fallout! :)

Hah, I noticed that too ;) .

Still, though, can't wait to see it. Gotta agree with Mr. Rockatansky about Shady Sands... but do what you want.

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First, i wanna say that this looks excellent and i cant wait to play it. I only have one reccomendation for you, I would look into the terms of use and copyrights for the GECK and FO3. using the voices from a previous game may be a serious copyriight infringment. there was an incident on the oblivion nexus with a mod that used textures and meshes from morrowind and it had to be pulled for legal reasons. i do hope im wrong about this, i would really like to play it.(even if u have to remove the voices, i am still looking forward to this)
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I don't know, I would have imagined a fo3 shady sands as literally being in the middle of a sparse and endless desert. There would be some giant white stone walls along the perimeter of the town (like scaled-up versions of the walls around Tenpenny's) and various shacks and tents inside.


Perhaps it should be added as a new worldspace to the GTS mod?

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First, i wanna say that this looks excellent and i cant wait to play it. I only have one reccomendation for you, I would look into the terms of use and copyrights for the GECK and FO3. using the voices from a previous game may be a serious copyriight infringment. there was an incident on the oblivion nexus with a mod that used textures and meshes from morrowind and it had to be pulled for legal reasons. i do hope im wrong about this, i would really like to play it.(even if u have to remove the voices, i am still looking forward to this)

According to a response from Bethesda:

If this is a fan project and not for profit, it should be fine

If I misinterpreted that, then it may all end up in the bit bucket. However, since creating anything with the GECK is also an agreement that the product is the property of Bethesda, I felt that using voices from Fallout is much the same as Fallout 3. I am also using lots of dialogue from FO3. plus some non-game voices.


I've not tried to recreate Shady Sands, it's true. It was just a launching point. Quests and some characters are inspired by those from Shady Sands, Junktown and the Hub, but not identical. I haven't tried to recreate the architecture either. My Shady Sands uses monorail cars from a train wreck as walls and the houses are all FO3. The town is shady because it is built beneath an old overpass and monorail track not far south of Oasis. The Khan raiders are based at the Montgomery Reservoir nearby.


I'm expecting to be finished within the month barring unforeseen difficulties, and I hope you have a chance to play it. I've had a lot of fun building it. I've tried to stay true to the spirit of the Fallout series, but this is definitely an adult version. I enjoyed the raunchy bits of the earlier games, and tried to imagine how Quentin Tarantino would mod Fallout. Fair warning.

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Looking good, I'll be sure to try this out when it gets released. So far though it's lookin' great! Keep up the good work.
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