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Trade Guild / Guild House / Assign follower functions


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Edit: Really anything that could put to work all these followers you can't take adventuring with you would be great. The following is just one idea.




It would probably be quite the undertaking, but would it be possible to create a mod that would allow you to recruit/hire followers and NPCs into a 'guild' faction that would open-up dialogue options with them to assign them functions for a customizable trading guild and guild house/Estate?


The way I envision it, you could build or repair a Guildhouse/Estate somewhere. Completing the construction would use hearthfire resources or gold or whatever. It would have to be an impressive enough accomplishment in itself to be able to convince people to work for / with you. Completing whatever portion of the construction would trigger a quest like "Founding a guild", where you would need to recruit a number of followers or NPCs into the guild. Next step would be to meet them at the guildhouse and give them roles like...





Guard duty - no 'guard NPCs'. You can hand-pick the people patrolling the grounds






The actual Trade guild economy would come in here as you could assign further followers to:


(all of these would require resources to build, and the workers would need to be paid. This all would require commitment)


wood chopping

farming plots (grain, fruits whatever)

milling grain

making goods from the cooking skill or whatever else


blacksmithing crew

docks and dock workers

sailors on a ship

caravan operators

sales representatives with stands in major cities


The idea being to simulate a trade guild that would generate resources, and hopefully profit, but also to put to work all of those followers you don't take adventuring with you!


Is this even possible?

Edited by Napoleonicus
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