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Windows Release Candidate, usable until March 2010


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I see no tangible reason to "upgrade" to a slower OS that still has a fair amount of incompatibility issues. Now, when SP 1 or 2 comes out for it, ......


Or maybe when it comes out of beta? :wink:


Fairy muff, however since it's already in RC status, by all accounts, to include Microsoft, this is PRETTY darn close to what it's going to be. Let's face it, most software that launches needs a revision or 2 before it's got the bugs ironed out. Even our beloved Fallout 3. I'm not hating on it mind you. I've tried it, and for one, it was easily the most painless OS install I've ever had. It did everything for me. Brilliant. I just think it needs to go through a wash or two and have some heavy starch applied is all.

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