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Certain Enchantment / Alchemy Effects Do Not Work


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Certain enchantments and alchemy effects have no effect on my character. This persists after removing mods and checking for conflicts / dirty edits in xedit.

I am running the anniversary edition with all CC packs. I have not yet tried disabling these.


The effects that do not work are:

Fortify Alchemy enchantments (both vanilla and player created.)

Fortify Smithing enchantments and potions (both vanilla and player created.)

The Notched Pickax Smithing Effect (It displays the skill change in the perk menu but does not change outcomes.)

Fortify Magic School Cost Enchantments

Fortify Magic School Power Potions (both vanilla and player created.)


I have thousands of play hours in both SSE and Oldrim and have not seen this issue before.

I also have not found any bug reports for this issue searching the web.


Any ideas on causes or possible lines of investigation are greatly appreciated.

My only current thought is that maybe my character is somehow classified as an NPC because these are all on the list of effects which do not work for followers.


Thanks in advance

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