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Developer Shell Options Needs Explanation


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Can Someone Explain Me What Some Of These Options Do ?


Overmind ? What The Hell Is That ? Cant Find Anywhere


Newgame (Controlled) Controlling What ? Cant Find Either


And Finally What The Hell Is Debug Strategy Start ?


Ill Be Very Glad If Anyone Of U Can Tell What Those Options Do


When I Choosed Them .. I Find No Difference At All ... But Then Again I Didnt Even Finished My First Mission

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A controlled game is one in which a lot of the randomizers are turned off. Like when the first abduction mission, first council mission, first UFO, stuff like that. It's basically to make the game more repeatable to make testing simpler (I think).


I'm not really sure what the overmind option does, but 'overmind' is used in the code to basically designate/separate the computer "gamemaster" from the computer "AI". The Overmind refers to the "gamemaster", who manages everything and so has to know everything about both the player's and AI's strategic/tactical stuff. The AI gets access to much more limited data in order to simulate the limited information a human expects her opponent to have.

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Thank You Very Much Amineri ^^

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