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A Bloody Mess Problem

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Hey people, i've got an irritating problem with A Bloody Mess. I can't launch my game anymore without it. When i deactivate the mod, and i try to launch my game, i get an immediate crash. It's irritating because i don't like A Bloody Mess. Blood splatters appearing and reappearing, way too buggy. Does anyone know how i can solve this problem?
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Is it an .esm file? Master files usually cause a lot of trouble when you remove 'em. Although you probably shouldn't have any problems before loading a save.


I'd try reinstalling the game. Not sure whether that works, though.

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Yeah, reinstalling could be tried yes, but please, it's the worst thing ever! Last time i did that, it only made things worse. All of my mods reinstalled, and sometimes the problem isn't even solved. Isn't there another solution? Because else i'll just have to keep using it.
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First, try this

Start the game with the bloody mess mod. Move into an interior cell where there are no NPCs live or dead, as well as no creatures. Make a save. Exit. Remove Bloody mess completely - not just the esp, but all of the textures and meshes also. Restart an load the save you made. Test thoroughly.


If that dosn't work, see my uninstall/reinstall recommended procedure here:



It allows you to save all saves and mods, whether you can get them to work in the new game is something else. You will probably be better off reinstalling each mod again to avoid any 'splatter' from the bloody mess.


It also leaves you with a back up clean install that you can revert to if something does go wrong when you start installing mods again.

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Just adding, Like bben said, Move to some place where there are no npcs, Best place is to type in the console coc testinghall, The wait like 1 - 3 days (to be sure), save, like he said, exit, remove mod, load, wait again and find the door leading to hawkhaven (in the center) and fast travel from there. :D


If the game does not start, Check the other mods needed esm and esps, Maybe some mod needs that mod you are uninstalling so the game wont start.


And, I recommend Wrye Bash, Its the Best Mod Manager tool, Its not that hard to use, its so better than OBMM and allows to use more mods.

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