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Magic Overhaul - Mod Discussion


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There was once a mod called MagicOverhaul that added classes to the game. Such classes included wizard, rogue, berzerker, druid, and many more. Each class had four actives and a passive ability. They had their own gear, weapons/armor. I tried to download this mod just yesterday but to my surprise, the original, english upload had been deleted. The translated versions are still available, but the original has bit the dust. I'm hoping someone can reupload it with the permission of the original creator, or create an entirely new mod that adds similar content to the game.


In my humble opinion, adding classes to the game in such a manner gave the game an mmorpg feel, which i rather enjoyed. I also enjoyed having access to abilities that didn't require resources to use after obtaining the class. My personal favourite was the druid, for one active ability in particular. The ability to turn into a bird and fly around for a limited amount of time. Free flight without the use of the console cannot be underestimated and it just made my game all the more fun. Alas, this mod does not exist anymore in it's original language so i'm sad that this unique content has vanished. If another mod of this sort exists and i didn't know of it beforehand, please let me know about it, i want to soar in the skies again, feeling the wind rustle through my feathers, feeling that unique sense of absolute freedom that no landbound creature can enjoy...

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