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EW: Soldier Country Chance


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While the new voices in EW are nifty, the chance in the base game of getting an appropriate nationality for the new voices is pretty low. Although I could have all the Nigerian soldiers speak Polish, I'm wondering whether the default chances of what nationality is assigned to a new solder can be altered.


I looked into doing it myself, read lots of posts and played with a bunch of tools. I got to the point where I found the function to assign a nationality in XGCharacterGenerator in the upk files and where iCountry integers come from, but the function itself was voodoo to me and I gave up. :(


Anyhow, I hope all the modders are principally enjoying the game.

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It is not very complicated at all...


This is how the PickOriginCountry function works:

function int PickOriginCountry(optional int iContinent)
  local array<int> arrCountries;

  arrCountries.AddItem(33); //Add a chance of country 33
  arrCountries.AddItem(31); //Add a chance of country 31
  arrCountries.AddItem(31); //Add additional chance of country 31
  arrCountries.AddItem(19); //Add a chance of country 19
  //Next line is where magic happens
  return arrCountries[Rand(arrCountries.Length)]; //Randomly select one of the countries added to arrCountries. The more times a country is added the higher is the chance for that country to be selected. 
  //return ReturnValue;  

GetLanguageByCountry function then does this:

function XGGameData.ECharacterLanguage GetLanguageByCountry(XGGameData.ECountry Country)
    // End:0x18
    case 31:  //If country == 31
    // End:0x1D //Then do nothing
    case 32:  //If country == 32  
    // End:0x22 //Then do nothing
    case 0:   //If country == 0
    // End:0x27 //Then do nothing
    case 3:  //If country == 3
    // End:0x2C //Then do nothing
    case 15:  //If country == 15
    // End:0x34 //Then do nothing
    case 8:  //If country == 8
      return 0; //Return language 0
    // End:0x39
    case 35:  //If country == 35
    // End:0x41 //Then do nothing
    case 5:  //If country == 5
      return 1; //Return language 1
    // End:0x49
    default:  //If country wasn't in above list then do this:
      return GetLanguageByString(); //Call GetLanguageByString and make it figure out what language is requested.
  //return ReturnValue;  

GetLanguageByString then works in the same way but expects "3 digit Country code" instead of a number

static function XGGameData.ECharacterLanguage GetLanguageByString(optional string strLanguage)
  strLanguage = "";
  // End:0x2B
  if(Len(strLanguage) == 0)
    strLanguage = GetLanguage();
    // End:0x49
    case "DEU":
      return 2;
    // End:0x54
    case "ESN":
      return 6;
    // End:0x5F
    case "FRA":
      return 1;
    // End:0x6A
    case "ITA":
      return 3;
    // End:0x75
    case "POL":
      return 4;
    // End:0x80
    case "RUS":
      return 5;
    // End:0xFFFF
      return 0;
  //return ReturnValue;  
Edited by Bertilsson
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