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caboose27xxx - BANNED

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caboose27xxx banned





Repeated violation such as copyright infringement, mod theft, and piracy.

Ban evasion.

Previously banned user, CABOOSE27x.



We have a strict anti-piracy policy and will take proactive action against anyone whose on-site activity gives us reasonable grounds to believe they are using pirated content such as, but not limited to, games and software. Discussing, promoting or distributing such content on our sites will be met with administrative action.



Users with multiple accounts may have one or all of their accounts suspended. In the event of alternative accounts being used to evade a ban or restrictions on a main account, all accounts belonging to the offending user are subject to suspension (i.e. a ban) and any (pending) unban appeals are forfeit.


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Moderation history

This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned



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