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Leaving Site - Unposting Vault-Tec Securitron And More


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Hello dear viewers and mod downloaders. Recently I was banned from chat, mistreated and ganged up on by several admins. I have decided to halt all production on mods for this site and to also remove all of my current mods from this site and keep them down until my rights in the chat are reinstated and the mark against my name in chat *Forum* is FULLY removed. "Including the post against my name in the forums"



These are basic facts,


1. I was kicked once for discussing "illegal things" when what I was discussing isn't even illegal


2. After being told not to discuss it, I stopped


3 After questioning the moderator about the rule in attempt to understand what I had actually done wrong I was banned from chat. and a mark was put against my name. "Which I had read the terms and conditions multiple times and still didn't/don't understand the rule I broke other than basically I was told "A moderator can make up any rules he sees fit and ban you for them." I was basically told this by another admin.


4. This was my first ban ever so, In the process of trying to find out what I could do "because no info was given to me at all in the ban" I Had asked for chat logs multiple times from different admins. "which I still have not received and I still want" Because the ban forum that I eventually received was incredibly biased and misrepresented what i actually said. I was then called "combative", attacked from all sides and banned from the forums for trying to say that the moderator may/could have been wrong.




I do not have any proof however, even though I asked multiple times for it from multiple admins. You can follow the posts in "I Was Banned" post as I have nothing to hide. :thumbsup:



So in short. I am removing ALL of my contribution to this site until further notice. Vault-Tec Securitron - Multiple Versions, Mojave Meals and More, Camera of Death, Project Stash Houses, and lastly The Eyepatch trait, I apologize for any inconvenience.

Edited by undeadpizzaboy
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As you were previously told in your first warning about this matter, public discussion of staff action is not permitted, and any problems you have with staff should be addressed to the site owner (Dark0ne).


Seeing as you have repeated your actions, and attempted to stir up drama in the process - your account is forfeit. As you removed any remaining files you had uploaded to the database, there is nothing more to be done.


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