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Crash after Bethesda logo


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I have been waiting on my new computer to re-play skyrim with high settings and mods. This is giving me a headache I just installed a few mods and it crashes right as the skyrim logo appears after the bethesda intro. this is the list of mods I have:


Apocalypse Spell Package - Apocalypse v400

Unofficial Skyrim Patch - Unofficial Skyrim Patch

Immersive Weapons - Immersive Weapons

Unread Books Glow

Immersive Armors - Immersive Armors v6

Realistic Lighting Overhaul

Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Landscape

World Map - Skyrim Hold Borders - Hold Borders - New - All Roads v8_1

Static Mesh Improvement Mod


Even Better Quest Objectives

Convenient Horses - Convenient Horses v4_9

Safety Load - SafetyLoad 1_2

RaceMenu - RaceMenu v2-1-5

Pure Waters - 1_Pure Waters 4-6 Main

Populated Cities Towns Villages - Populated Cities Towns Villages

Immersive Settlements - Immersive Settlements v0_55

Alternate Start - Live Another Life - Alternate Start - Live Another Life

Edited by lajalex0
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The only times I've had a crash before I even got to the main menu was because I had to disable one of the DLCs because of a major mishap and forgot to disable a mod that needed the DLC, so that might be my only suggestion. Are you sure none of the mods you use require a DLC that you do not have, or they require another mod to properly work too?

Then I can only advice on SKSE for those that need it, and running BOSS usually helps finding some of the issues due to a improper load order (not saying you have a faulty load order, just suggesting it's a possibility).

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