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Racemenu not working


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I have the se edition of the game I'm not sure what the update version of the game is as I don't know where to find it I'm really new to pc gaming but I've tried the newest version of se racemenu and that doesn't work and I tried 4 16 because someone else said that worked for them but I don't have the paint menus and the preset section doesn't work either, and sculpt don't know I'd that's a added feature tho not too bothered about that one
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Then I'm going to assume you have the latest version of the game.


Do not use the racemenu version here on Nexus. You'll need to get the proper version from his patreon page (you do not need to join or become a member). Scroll down the page to find the posts section and download version AE (in the second post, not the GOG version in the first post). Uninstall any version you already have and install this version and you should be good to go.

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The version should show when you start the game. Alternately, go to the game executable in ...\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition. Right-click on SkyrimSE.exe, select properties. Then, choose the Details tab, and you will see the file version AND the product version on the details tab. That is your game version.


There is a site that shows which mods work with the various SE versions: https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins

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Dose the ae version work with se ? Because I've had some mods where the se version don't work but the ae ones do even though I have se , but others seem to f*#@ up the skse.dil and make that stop working. I guess I'll try it anyway as if I dose work it'll be great as even though it's a small issue it's something you couldn't do on the console version and as it affects my character it constantly reminds me that I can't get it to work and it bugs the s#*! out of me, I've spent hours trying to figure it out,


safe other dude as well will come in handy knowing when I'm trying to find mods all these updates drive me crazy I done fallout 4 and had no clue what I was doing but started learning a few things and after a couple days started being able to sort the issues,got this and figured we'll it'll be easy or at least easier cuz I know some s#*! now... no it isn't ten time's more problems with this one

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